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Basic Text in illustrator

Typing Text Using Point Text

To create a point text, simply click once on the artboard using the Type Tool and type out your text. Point text only allows you to write a one line text without any text wrap.
text tool

Typing Text Using Area Type Tool

With area type you can have much control over your text. To create an area type, click and drag out a box using your Type Tool. The text will wrap inside the text area. To edit the font characters and sizes, go to Window>Type>Character.
To show paragraph options, click Paragraph tab. You can try out different alignments and set indents for paragraphs.
To show more area type options, choose Type>Area Type Options. You can edit the number of columns to create more columns for your text.

Typing Text on a Path

You can type text on a path or any object. Select the Type on Path Tool and click on the path to start typing text on the path.
To shift the text, drag the start point with the Selection Tool.

Outline Text

If you need to convert a type to path, select your text and choose Type>Create Outlines. This will break the text into paths. Note that once you outline it, the text cannot be edited with the Type Tool. However after it becomes a path, you can apply gradient and edit anchor points using the Pen Tool.

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